Saturday, July 4, 2009

update: new look on my LLpage after the tragedy

it's a shame it's a shame it's a perfect shame

hey, i've just have sent an email to mtv insomnia and they read it, hell yeah anggi and pima saw it, my email and my pict, oh shit! anggi say they laugh about me, and so do i, i laugh about my self, see my self on tv screen, that kindda fun shame fool aww man how could i do it twice? hem anyway i also sent an email yesterday and they also read it, ahit! shit! shit!
:'(( lebay ya aku? bisa dibilang iya bisa dibilang ngga kan? dari perbuatan iseng karna gak bisa tidur dan muka kita ada di tv dan tmen kita langsung ngontak kita dan bilang mereka ngetawain kita, i want do it no more.

Friday, July 3, 2009

who am i? i'm KALONG

oh, gosh! udah beberapa hari ini aku tidur malem terus, paling cepet tidur jam 3, ins0me? not really, walaupun itu salah satu faktornya, tapi faktor bangun siang juga sangat mendukung, as a matter of fact, i woke up on 12. yeah, you know kalong? kalong is bat, kelelawar, huaaaaa. hem, i can make my own film, kalong-girl, di thriller nya "who am i? i'm kalong-girl", garink. hahaha

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

i know you from anes and icca bought your t-shirt

SILVERSTEIN! yeaaah gila keren
sangat balance, all the things blended in perfection create a wonderful sounds that make you wake up and tell everybody if these guys have just make you crazy, well itu lebay haha
ya tapi aku suka, prtma kali tau silverstein dari si anes/manda, and after i check them out, hell yeah they're great!
ada yang tau band sejenis ini? tell me baby! :p


i like it

yeah, the midnight killer is back! insome attack, oh yeah, tidur subuh bangun siang, malemnya gada kerjaan zz

anyway i decided to play looklet
here my look, biasa aja sih tapi suka aja aku lliatnya hehe

anyway check out my page on looklet

well, i like looklet hehe
see yaaaa, mmmuah

Monday, June 29, 2009

hippie and my confession

the gentle people, some of them called 'bums', but well known as hippie. the hippies don't have plans for tommorow and regets for yesterday, yeah, i'm not kind of the hippies like in the age of 50's and i don't want to grow to be like these old hippies even sometimes i don't have plans for tommorow.

well even they're look happy and healthy but seriously i won't be like this, umm maybe i want but just for fun hehe

talking about plans, a have a lot of plans, yeah kalo peribahasanya lebih besar pasak dari pada tiang, banyak pengennya dari pada mampunya, gak cuma dalam hal materi aja tapi juga bakat dan segala macamnya, after i think about those things i have my lunch then i dunno how but voila i forgot about it, apa makan berpengaruh sama ingatan? mungkin.

how to make it balance? well i know, don't really think too much, nikmatin aja apa yang ada, berpikir positif, kembangin diri, and so on. but doing is not as easy as talking, hem namanya juga masi remaja, rasa pingin suka berlebihan, termasuk aku hehe. pingin ini itu zz banyak mah gak terbatas. but i can control my self, hem even sometimes not.
(yeah my confession)

anyway kmaren di sogo ada midnight sale up to 70% wahaha but i didn't buy anything, my shoppingmate, my sister -red, lagi ikutan outbond dia panitianya jadi gada tmen jalan weee zz

what else? o i a henfon ku rusak dan kata orang nokianya udah jamuran dalemnya, ya allah.
o i a aku masuk ipa yeaah!

hem, aku gatau lagi mah hehe
well see ya, mmmuah.